Photography & Graphic Design
Rodriguez Media
Assignment 2: Postcard
This assignment is meant to help you get used to the layout of Adobe InDesign as well as the other Adobe programs we use on a regular basis. Follow along with the class lecture to get your feet wet.
Assignment 4: Pizza Logo
This assignment is will get you into Illustrator for the first time. We will begin using some basic shape tools and navigating our way through the Adobe Illustrator program.
Assignment 5: Angry Bird
Use any tools you currently have to complete the project.
Assignment 6: Pen Tool
This assignment is meant to introduce students to Illustrator and the Pen Tool. This is a tool that every graphic designer must master. This assignment should help students do exactly that.
Assignment 7: Icons
This project will continue to familiarize you with Adobe Illustrator and help you to create vector images. Show that you have mastered tools including; shape tools, pen tool, shaper, and shape builder. Make sure to read the instructions given on the handout.
Assignment 8: Notepad Design
This is the first functional design project for the class. You will be designing for a notepad that you will actually use. You will work through the 3 stage design process as shown in class.
Assignment 10: Mary's Country Kitchen Logo Design
Logo Video
Mary’s Country Kitchen is a small restaurant/cafe based in a small town in Nashville, TN. They specialize in Southern home cooking (specifically breakfast), and offer a wide variety of entrees and desserts. The client requests a new, from scratch logo design.
Extra Credit Assignment: Pen Tool Vector
This will help students improve their Pen tool skills. Complete it and hand it in to earn the extra credit.
Assignment 13: Screen Printing Design
Assignment 11: PS Monster
This is a fun way to get into Photoshop as well as the fall season. Watch the Russel Brown video and then make your own Monster in PhotoShop. You can use the project assets I have prepared for you or you can create your own.
Assignment 15: Greeting Card
Use Adobe InDesign to a greeting card design based on the holiday season. Use your designing skills to create something visually interesting.
Assignment 14: Article Summary
Complete this assignment to get a better understanding of what is happening in the graphic communications industry today.
Assignment 2: BBQ Layout
Due Dates: 3/31/17
Class lecture and demo
Assignment 3: Stroke & Fill
Due Dates 9/14/16
Class lecture and demo
Students should learn the basics of using the stroke and fill tools in InDesign as well as other Adobe programs. They should begin to understand the process of creating strokes and fills as well as how to use a stroke or fill on text verses an object or shape.
Assignment 1: Safety
Saftey is an important part of the darkroom lab experience. The chemicals and processes are not extremely dangerous as long as all students understand what chemicals they are using and follow the instructions for proper handeling. If we can do this then the darkroom experience should be fun and exciting for everyone.